Ullevålseter, for life long plesure
Ullevålseter is a cafe and a junction point in Nordmarka, the giant forest park north of Oslo. It is open all year round and is very popular. The name Ullevål comes from a large farm that once was where Ullevål hospital is today. The seter means in Norwegian, where the farmers kept their animals for pasture in the summertime. It has been catering here since 1927, run by one family.

Ullevålseter for me
Ullevålseter has always been there in my life. I was brought there as a very young child before I was two. Later, at school, when we had sports day, one of the options was to go cross-country skis up there. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures from any of these events.
I do not have any family home from either grandparents or parents that are still in our possession. Therefore Ullevålseter is a place I have many memories from and has always visited and felt connected to.

The dating test
As an adult, I have no numbers of how many times I have been here or how many people I have shown this place. I have often been here alone or with one of our dogs. By Norwegian standards, walking here is not a big challenge; the distance is neither very far nor a challenging hike. Still, not all Norwegians, or foreigners, like to walk in the forest. I have used it as a test; if a person can not walk this little hike, he could never be a possible partner for me.

The waffles
Late Rubino knew when we arrived at Ullevålseter, there would be a taste of the waffles. He was always waiting patiently while I went inside to buy some waffles and something to drink. They have many homemade cakes, but I have the tradition of sticking to waffles. One thing to mention, the students that generally work behind the counter are sweet and do their work as well as they can. The owner, on the other hand, can be a bit rude. I have experienced being criticized for coming too late when they have had a quiet day, and I arrive 15 minutes before closing, even if I am supposed to sit outside with the dog.

How to get to Ullevålseter
There are several ways to get to Ullevålseter. I think the most usual way for those that hike is to drive to Sognsvann, park the car, and walk up. It takes a little over one hour. T-banen does also go to Sognsvann, and Frognerseteren. Besides, there is a bus to Hammern in Maridalen, and you can walk from there. In the winter, most people take their skies, and you can come from several places. Plenty of bikers are up in the forest the rest of the year.

Day out from work
A few years ago, I wanted to show my colleagues my favorite outing place. So I brought them to Ullevålseter for a day out and some team-buildings.

My favorite
Since I no longer have a car, I have to use public transportation to get to the outskirts of the forest. My favorite trip is to take T-banen to Frognerseteren. Then I can enjoy the fantastic view over Oslo, I could pop in and taste Frognerseterns famous apple pie, of course, but as a good Norwegian, you should work a bit before you can rest and spoil yourself. Therefore, I hit the gravel road, walk down to Ullevålseter, have my waffles, and finish up at Sognsvann. It is not a challenging walk, but you get a bit of everything.

Full circle
The picture above was taken on February 28th this year. As I said earlier, I do not have any photos of myself while I was young and taken out in nature. But I know my parents were quite active out and about while they were courting. And I did find a picture in their album saying Frognerseteren 1962.

To all my followers, I am open to taking anyone on this hike; give me a comment when you are in the area.