Two amazing hikes from Ramberg, Ryten and Nusfjord

The first to Ryten top and overlooking Kvalvika beach. The other is, Full circle, including the ancient pathway between Nesland and Nusfjord.

Very windy on the way up to Ryten


The day for Ryten was very windy. Being from Oslo, I am not used to this kind of weather. It was fascinating to feel how strong the wind came in from the ocean. I was uncertain if I could climb up to Ryten, but thankfully the wind calmed down as I got higher up.

On the top of Ryten, Kvalvika down below.

Kvalvika is a remote beach, and I did not walk down to it because of the weather. After being at Horseid beach a few days earlier, Kvalvika could not compete. However, the view from Ryten is astonishing, and it is incredible how many hidden beaches there are in Lofoten.

Kvalvika beach, a windy gray day

Nesland and Nusfjord

The following day I did the 40 km long walk from Ramberg to Nesland, the pathway along the coast to Nusfjord, and then back to Ramberg.

Leaving Nesland on the path to Nusfjord

The weather was not the best today either, and the walk to Nesland was quite long and not too interesting. Anyhow Nesland was a lovely little village to pass through. The more exciting part was the ancient pathway from here to Nusfjord. It went up and down along the shore. They had put up ladders to climb down to carry on in some places. Finally, I could see the small fishing village, with its famous yellow waterfront house.

Arriving at Nusfjord from the ancient path from Nesland

This was off-season, but I did get a sandwich in the old Land Handel café. I learned that Queen Sonja would have an exhibition in the local Salteriet gallery later in the summer. I would have liked to see that.

The tenants at Nusfjord

The walk carried on, passing Storvatnet, and the nature here was so fantastic. I came down to the E10 again (the main road through Lofoten) and walked along the fjords back to Ramberg. The sun appeared while I passed the beautiful red Flakstad church.

Beautiful Flakstad church

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