A special exhibition by an even more special Multi-artist

The danish multi-artist and fashion designer Henrik Vibskov is having an exhibition at Lillehammer Art Museum. The famous Scandinavian artist will show a small selection of his talent for a short time, showing fashion, sculpture, video, and installations.

Lillehammer Art Museum

Lillehammer Art Museum

Lillehammer is a small town about two hours ride on the train from Oslo. My colleagues and I took a day out from work to see this special exhibition by Henrik Vibskov. Those who love our Opera house in Oslo also feel connected to Lillehammer Art Museum because Snøhetta designed both buildings. Outside Norway, Lillehammer is mainly known for hosting the winter Olympic games in 1994. The new part of the museum was opened to the Olympic games.

The special multi-artist Henrik Vibskov

Henrik Vibskov is born in Denmark and has his education from Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design in London. He now has his studio in Copenhagen and employs people with different skills from all over the world. It is important to him to have a flat structure, and everyone can provide input.

The gallery room from the Exhibition

Vibskov says he is a multidisciplinary person who works with textiles. These textiles can be hanging on a gallery wall, paraded down a Paris catwalk, or adoring the set of an opera or dance production. He designed the costume for Alexander Ekman’s A Swan Lake for the Norwegian National Ballett company. Here you can see the outfit for the black swan.

Costumes by Henrik Vibskov
From A swan lake, photo by Erik Berg

Photo Erik Berg

The fashion designer

I do not have pictures of his fashion and haute-couture here since it will not give them justice in an image. His pattern often has striking designs and bold colours, and he often makes clothes that are not closely fitted. For his catwalks, the music is also essential.

From the State, Desined by Henrik Vibskov

Here we see pictures from Ingri Fiksdal’s dance “State.” Vibskov has designed the whole outfit, including headpieces. Under, in the museum.

Displaied skirts in Exhibition


There were many installations in this exhibition, and Vibskov finds inspiration from all kinds of media. He is making a connection between fashion and space, and he means time is crucial to us and how we live very repetitive lives.

White old sour men

White old sour men, from 2021.

We all found the exhibition very inspiring, and I think we still will see many exciting things from Henrik Vibskov. Lillyhammer is a short day trip from Oslo, but this exhibition will be over soon. Anyway, I am sure Lillehammer Art Museum will have other exciting arrangements to offer. The museum also has an extensive collection of highlights from Norwegian art history.

Maihaugen is, of course, another good reason to visit Lillehammer.

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